Oldenburger Burnout Inventory

The oldenburg burnout inventory was adapted to measure academic burnout (olbi-s). job and academic burnout showed partial scalar invariance across german nurses and german students. we confirmed the equivalence of academic burnout across greek and german students as assessed with the adapted olbi-s.. The oldenburg burnout inventory for college students (olbi-s) was adapted to brazilian portuguese and its reliability and validity were measured in a sample of both brazilian ( n =958) and portuguese ( n =602). In our study, we show that a modified version of the oldenburg burnout inventory - a well-known burnout measure - can be used to assess exhaustion and disengagement in students. furthermore, we provide an english, greek, and german version of the adapted instrument..

Oldenburg burnout inventory a b s t r a c t this study examined the factor structure and measurement invariance of the oldenburg burnout inven-tory (olbi) across different groups (german employees vs. german students) and tested academic. This study among 528 south african employees working in the construction industry examined the dimensionality of burnout and work engagement, using the maslach burnout inventory-general survey, the oldenburg burnout inventory, and the utrecht work engagement scale.. Abstract the oldenburg burnout inventory for college students (olbi-s) was adapted to brazilian portuguese and its reliability and validity were measured in a sample of both brazilian (n=958) and portuguese (n=602) college students..

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